Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Thoughts in York

the music while you read [optional]:Take Me by Sisyphus

the first and the last...

Rosie picked me up and showed me around.

up on the hillside where that part of me comes apart.

it takes me 59 minutes to settle in.


if only i could be as proud of myself, as you say you are of me.

you only need the sugar when the coffee is bad. it wasn't.

 i had a dream that i found all that was missing.

You only know what you know,

until you learn to grow.

then you can know more,

than only what you know.

fear is a choice.

its the only time, aside from when i'm dreaming, that i'm ok with my mind being elsewhere.

the fullest full stop

not much to see when you're in the dark.

This place was a shelter. 

walk with me.

= it might be over soon =

= Susan takes you down to her place, near the river... =

= you want to travel with Him, you want to travel blind.

you know you can trust Him, for He's touched your perfect body with Him mind. =

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Colour in Germany

Music while you read [optional]: I Do by Susie Suh

 = three's a crowd and i'm an extrovert =

he walked into it...

watch out, kids about.

so i followed her a bit... but not in a creepy way.

pink flowers.

i did not put those shoes there.

the colour and the kid and the unwell feelings left.

i thought i saw you.

i had lunch there and stayed a while.

just saying 'hi'

i cant sleep without feeling on the train.

it was sad because all the sunflowers that were in full bloom weeks earlier, where coming into that next part of their was also beautiful. 

a sign and a beer and a boy on a ladder.

always the water, always.

i don't know anything about anything.

"there was a time when my world was filled with darkness..."

same bird.

all at the wall.

sunset club.

the bridge was always there, waiting for me to cross it. 

...letting my eyes see all the things...