Tuesday 18 March 2014



"slightly unwell. i went to the pharmacy in Hanoi, no one spoke english, they gave me yellow pills for my heavy head; im sure they're not as dodgy as they look...
After Ha Long bay and the A Class Cruiser, going to a backpackers was a bad choice. im usually all for those interactive stranger experiences but maybe its just cos im sick or maybe its like wayne said 
"the majority of backpackers cannot offer any depth to a conversation as they're are not here to learn anything or experience the culture, they're only here to meet other backpackers and get pissed every night of the week" 
"so you're a 'real' traveler, then?" i asked
"yes, i would say i am" replying just as you would expect an englishman to
"well, couldn't that be seen as slightly pretentious of you?" i added
he laughed "well, there's a thought, maybe you're right. i guess there's two ends of the scale" he said.

ive been pumping myself full of ginger and spilt the ginger tea all over my diary as i was making plans; flying to Ho Chi Minh tomorrow and not looking forward to it. it really was a terrible first day in Vietnam and i have no desire to relive it- i know i just need to get past it and im sure that's what will happen once im back there...besides i really liked the girls who run the ppbackpackers there and Anh, my bubble friend and Huy, who took me on a free tour of the city on his motorbike and hand-made me an anklet with little fish on it. I like the people a lot but the place... haha

This morning i went to ABBank to get the 'emergency cash' and thought about buying t-shirts for my cousins... ive decided to check out of the backpackers and pay a few more dollars for a nice hotel that will allow me to be hidden for a while, that might have hand soap and clean towels and maybe even free ginger tea all day..."

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