Wednesday 21 May 2014


"today was... i hate starting sentences like that. Judging the day. why do we feel the need to say if it was good or bad? In any day there is the possiablity for everything, both good and bad and what it really comes down to is what we focus on... 

today while i was stopped on the back of Huy's motorbike, at an intersection, money flew into the air from a street shop on the corner. It was a very beautiful sight. The man next to me quickly got off his bike and assisted in collecting the money from all over the road and handed it back to the shop lady and i think i was more greatful to him than she was or it could just be a cultural thing, where they say thank you with their eyes, not their whole face or their mouth... in a way being witness to that made me feel good about life again...its insteresting how a simple act can do so much within you.

One of the girls who works at the hostel gave be the lonely planet vietnam guide for #free and im pretty happy about it. i keep wanting to write about all that i see but instead i just end up writing how i feel. i think im more interested in being than doing, here... and this whole concept of "feelings" is actually quite new to me i think. Since moving to Melbourne i feel i have become a 'truer' version of myself or maybe thats just what happens when you get older...
ive never really been in a place where everyone else can tell that you're 'not for around here' #nam...

i feel like sweedeedee has been in my head for days..."

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